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October 2019

Notes from M&J


It’s hard to believe October is already here! Our Fall Studio Event has come and gone, and we’re looking ahead to our Fall Recital at the end of this month (see details below)! We hope our monthly newsletter will offer additional resources for students and families in our studio, as well as provide updates on upcoming events and announcements. Thanks for joining us on this journey; it is an honor to work with the growing Music Makers in our studio every week!

Melia & Justin

Practie Corner



Melia's Bullseye Practice Challenge

Melia’s students have made it their “target” to complete the Bullseye Practice Challenge this semester! Students are sent home every week with a few “Bullseyes” to complete. This could be memorizing a piece, tapping rhythms, completing a worksheet, playing a measure five times without a mistake, or anything else that helps reinforce lesson material.

Good practicing is more than playing through a piece over and over again. These Bullseyes help students zero in on important practice techniques like repetition, counting, playing slowly, and supplemental reinforcement. You can aid your students at home by helping them remember their Bullseyes for the week: 15 completed bullseyes means small prize, and 30 bullseyes means a completed board and another prize!

October’s Practice Tip

Find a consistent gap of time in the day to complete practice. That gap may be before breakfast, right after school, or after dinner—as long as it becomes a part of your routine, it doesn’t matter when.

Five minutes every day is more effective than 30 minutes once a week!

Piano in the News


Fall Recital

Our first recital of the year is quickly approaching. Don’t forget to mark your calendars for Saturday, October 26th at 11am at West Michigan Piano. Students have already begun picking their recital pieces this week. Look for more details in your email soon! If your student is unable to attend the recital, please let us know ASAP by contacting

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Can't wait to visit a piano dealer and recital hall for the first time?!

Check out this virtual tour!


We think this video proves that music making is for everyone, canines included! If Buddy Mercury can practice at home, anyone can!

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*For each successful referral (the student enrolls for the 2019-20 school year), we will give the referrer a $25 Amazon gift card.

Fall Studio Event

Thanks to all the Music Makers who braved the dreary weather for our Fall Studio Event last Saturday in Grand Rapids' Lincoln Park!


Why do we offer studio events? 

One of our Core Learning Objectives is Community Engagement: We believe music is meant to be enjoyed with those around us! Events like our fall get-together and community outreach give us the opportunity to put that belief into action; plus, who doesn’t love eating snacks and having fun?

Studio Event
Referral Program

Find us on Facebook!

Follow us for news about the studio; you may even see your own student’s skills on display!


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Set Up Autopay

Autopay is a convenient feature of our studio portal. Once set up, your credit card or bank account will automatically be charged when we send your monthly invoice.


Follow the steps below to get started:

  1. Log in to the studio portal.

  2. Go to Settings > My Preferences >
    Stored Payment Options

  3. Once you’ve added a card or bank account, mark the checkbox to sign up for autopay.

Follow this tutorial for additional support.


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